Set up environment¶
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
params = list(
seu = "../../data/Preprocessed_data/seu_Time_series_rna.rds",
out_name = "Time_series_rna"
Load data¶
In [ ]:
seu <- readRDS(params$seu)
Idents(seu) <- "cell_type"
An object of class Seurat 33694 features across 7391 samples within 1 assay Active assay: RNA (33694 features, 3000 variable features) 3 layers present: counts, data, 3 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, harmony, umap
Infer pathway activity across all timepoints¶
In [ ]:
seu_t1 <- subset(seu, subset= batch == unique($batch)[1])
seu_t2 <- subset(seu, subset= batch == unique($batch)[2])
seu_t3 <- subset(seu, subset= batch == unique($batch)[3])
seu_t4 <- subset(seu, subset= batch == unique($batch)[4])
In [ ]:
print("scRNA for all time points:")
DimPlot(seu, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.5) + NoLegend()
print("scRNA for t1 only:")
DimPlot(seu_t1, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.5) + NoLegend()
print("scRNA for t2 only:")
DimPlot(seu_t2, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.5) + NoLegend()
print("scRNA for t3 only:")
DimPlot(seu_t3, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.5) + NoLegend()
print("scRNA for t4 only:")
DimPlot(seu_t4, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.5) + NoLegend()
[1] "scRNA for all time points:" [1] "scRNA for t1 only:"
[1] "scRNA for t2 only:"
[1] "scRNA for t3 only:"
[1] "scRNA for t4 only:"
In [ ]:
pathway_analysis <- function(seu){
# Umap for the cell type label
DimPlot(seu, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.5)
# Assign the cluster name in dataframe
CellsClusters <- data.frame(Cell = names(Idents(seu)),
CellType = as.character(Idents(seu)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Finally, we compute PROGENy pathway activity scores on the scRNA-seq data, and we then characterice the different cell populations based on these scores.
## We compute the Progeny activity scores and add them to our Seurat object as a new assay called Progeny.
seu.progeny <- progeny(seu, scale=FALSE, organism="Human", top=500, perm=1,
return_assay = TRUE)
## We can now directly apply Seurat functions in our Progeny scores.
## For instance, we scale the pathway activity scores.
seu.progeny <- Seurat::ScaleData(seu.progeny, assay = "progeny")
## We transform Progeny scores into a data frame to better handling the results
progeny_scores_df <-, slot = "",
assay = "progeny"))) %>%
rownames_to_column("Cell") %>%
gather(Pathway, Activity, -Cell)
## We match Progeny scores with the cell clusters.
progeny_scores_df <- inner_join(progeny_scores_df, CellsClusters)
## We summarize the Progeny scores by cellpopulation
summarized_progeny_scores <- progeny_scores_df %>%
group_by(Pathway, CellType) %>%
summarise(avg = mean(Activity), std = sd(Activity))
## We prepare the data for the plot
summarized_progeny_scores_df <- summarized_progeny_scores %>%
dplyr::select(-std) %>%
spread(Pathway, avg) %>%
data.frame(row.names = 1, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# We plot the different pathway activities for the different cell populations
paletteLength = 100
myColor = colorRampPalette(c("Darkblue", "white","red"))(paletteLength)
progenyBreaks = c(seq(min(summarized_progeny_scores_df), 0,
length.out=ceiling(paletteLength/2) + 1),
progeny_hmap = pheatmap(t(summarized_progeny_scores_df[,-1]),fontsize=14,
fontsize_row = 10,
color=myColor, breaks = progenyBreaks,
main = "PROGENy (500)", angle_col = 45,
treeheight_col = 0, border_color = NA)
return (progeny_scores_df)
In [ ]:
print("pathway for all scRNA:")
all_pathwayscore <- pathway_analysis(seu)
print("pathway for t1 scRNA only:")
t1_pathwayscore <- pathway_analysis(seu_t1)
t1_pathwayscore$Condition <- 't1'
print("pathway for t2 scRNA only:")
t2_pathwayscore <- pathway_analysis(seu_t2)
t2_pathwayscore$Condition <- 't2'
print("pathway for t3 scRNA only:")
t3_pathwayscore <- pathway_analysis(seu_t3)
t3_pathwayscore$Condition <- 't3'
print("pathway for t4 scRNA only:")
t4_pathwayscore <- pathway_analysis(seu_t4)
t4_pathwayscore$Condition <- 't4'
[1] "pathway for all scRNA:"
Warning message in asMethod(object): "sparse->dense coercion: allocating vector of size 1.9 GiB" Warning message: "Layer counts isn't present in the assay object; returning NULL" Centering and scaling data matrix Joining with `by = join_by(Cell)` `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Pathway'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
[1] "pathway for t1 scRNA only:"
Warning message: "Layer counts isn't present in the assay object; returning NULL" Centering and scaling data matrix Joining with `by = join_by(Cell)` `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Pathway'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
[1] "pathway for t2 scRNA only:"
Warning message: "Layer counts isn't present in the assay object; returning NULL" Centering and scaling data matrix Joining with `by = join_by(Cell)` `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Pathway'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
[1] "pathway for t3 scRNA only:"
Warning message: "Layer counts isn't present in the assay object; returning NULL" Centering and scaling data matrix Joining with `by = join_by(Cell)` `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Pathway'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
[1] "pathway for t4 scRNA only:"
Warning message: "Layer counts isn't present in the assay object; returning NULL" Centering and scaling data matrix Joining with `by = join_by(Cell)` `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Pathway'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
In [ ]:
timeseries_pathwayscore <- rbind(t1_pathwayscore, t2_pathwayscore, t3_pathwayscore, t4_pathwayscore)
Cell | Pathway | Activity | CellType | Condition | |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | |
1 | Cell_1 | Androgen | 0.9584746 | Interstitial progenitor cell | t1 |
2 | Cell_2 | Androgen | -1.5111976 | Interstitial progenitor cell | t1 |
3 | Cell_3 | Androgen | 2.1025764 | Interstitial progenitor cell | t1 |
4 | Cell_4 | Androgen | 1.5326740 | Interstitial progenitor cell | t1 |
5 | Cell_5 | Androgen | -0.4777982 | Cartilage progenitor cell | t1 |
6 | Cell_6 | Androgen | 1.9560105 | Interstitial progenitor cell | t1 |